Masking Pain
Along with training and performing to be a world-class
athlete comes the pain of injuries. Sometimes, athletes
try to mask their injury pain with drugs, including
narcotics, protein hormones, cortisone and local anesthetics
Narcotics are used to treat pain and include substances
such as morphine, methadone and heroin. Narcotics
are highly addictive, and the "high" associated
with their use can impair mental abilities (judgment,
balance and concentration). Also, athletes who continue
to compete with an injury run the risk of further
damage or complications.
Protein Hormones
Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone (ACTH) is a naturally
occurring protein hormone that is secreted by the
pituitary gland and stimulates the production of hormones
from the adrenal cortex (cortisone, corticosteroids,
glucocorticoids). These adrenal cortex hormones are
important in reducing inflammation in injuries and
allergic responses. So, by using ACTH to stimulate
internal adrenal cortex hormones, an athlete could
mask an injury. Possible side effects include stomach
irritation, ulcers, mental irritation and long-term
effects (weakening bones and muscles).
Cortisone is one of the adrenal cortex hormones mentioned
above. Clinically, it is injected to reduce inflammation
in injuries and allergic responses. The advantages
and side effects of its use are the same as with ACTH.
Local Anesthetics
Local anesthetics, like those used by your dentist
or doctor, are used to mask pain in the short-term
without impairing mental abilities. They include novocaine,
procaine, lidocaine and lignocaine. Athletes may use
them so that they can continue to compete while injured.
The major problem with their use is the possibility
of further aggravating an injury.